Graffitiproject 2020: «600 Years Stansstad»

Important: Due to the current situation, all projects of the anniversary year were postponed to 2021.

As an artist in residence, Adrian Gander accompanies the anniversary year with visual art (street art & graffiti).

An important goal is to bring the medium of graffiti closer to people.
Therefore there are two public workshop days in summer, where interested people can try out and realize themselves creatively (registrations by mid-July to / +41 79 275 71 25). The sprayed pictures aesthetically enhance the work yard and the fire station.

Adrian Gander is also present at five major events during the anniversary year and captures these events visually on a wooden wall in front of the old station building. This wall is continuously redesigned on both sides – spread over the anniversary year.

The audience can follow the respective creation process of the works live.

Dates for the two workshop days:

July 31 (replacement date: August 1)
August 15 (replacement date: August 16)

Anniversary events with simultaneous visualization:

January 2: New Year’s aperitif with the light show by G. Hofstetter
May 29: Spring congregation and book opening
June 14: Ecumenical mass and vernissage of the exhibition by P. Wagner
July 31: Simultaneous painting campaign at the federal celebration of OK31
18/19. September: BadiOpenAir

As far as the weather allows it, the respective work will be realized simultaneously or as soon as possible.

Link zum Text von Rafael Schneuwly